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Starting a business with Emergence

Why create your own company?

If you have always dreamed of making an idea your business, then the business creation or self-entrepreneurship can be THE solution.

Create your own company will allow you to do an activity that you enjoy while being free to work at your own rythm.
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There are many  reasons for starting a business and they bring lots of benefits:

  • At the legal level: the protection of an idea while using it
  • At the personal level: being your own boss and organise your work as you want
  • At the financial level: the fruit of your work is only for you

The services offered by Emergence for entrepreneurs

Every year, thousands of companies are created. That is why Emergence business centers do their best to help all types of professions in launching their projects.
Vous restez concentré sur l'essentiel dans les bureaux Emergence.-EN

We offer many solutions to help you starting you business. Emergence offers you the facilities and equipment adapted to your needs:

  • Equipped and modern offices
  • Communication equipment (Laptops, fax, telephone ...)
  • Internet connection via wifi or cable
  • The services of a virtual office address and a telephone reception
  • Renting an office or a one-time meeting room for your appointments

How Emergence will accompany you: logistics and organisation to start a company!

Our main goal is to help you develop your project with ideal conditions and at an affordable price.



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